Samengestelde muurkraan op maat gemaakt, voorzien van vernieuwd binnenwerk dat aangepast is aan het huidige waterleidingnet.
Anresto also fits old taps with a special and unique internal parts system
to allow the taps to be connected to the modern pressurised mains.
Antiques bridging set taps.
Antiques 3 hole kitchen taps.
Antiques wall mounted kitchen taps.
Old bridging set taps.
Old 3 hole kitchen taps.
Old wall mounted kitchen taps.
Antiques bridging set faucets.
Antiques 3 hole kitchen faucets.
Antiques wall mounted kitchen faucets.
Maßgefertigte kombinierte Wandarmatur.
Mitigeur composé.
Robinet mural composé.